
kallan assists Gunnebo Safe Storage AB in the acquisition of WITTKOPP

kallan acted as legal advisor of Gunnebo Safe Storage AB, a global provider of certified physical security solutions, in the acquisition of Carl Wittkopp GmbH, a renowned German manufacturer of high-security lock systems.


Read more about the transaction in this press release: 
Press release - Gunnebo Safe Storage Acquires WITTKOPP

Our kallan team consisted of Dr Maria Wolleh, Luisa Saint-Denis and Jonas Anders, LL.M..

Contact Persons

Dr Maria Wolleh
Lawyer (Rechtsanwältin), Partner

T +49 - 30 - 22 66 99 - 35

M +49 - 173 - 342 45 09

Luisa Saint-Denis
Lawyer (Rechtsanwältin)

T +49 - 30 - 22 66 99 - 47

M +49 - 172 - 621 14 48 

Jonas Anders, LL.M.
Lawyer (Rechtsanwalt)

T +49 - 69 - 97 40 12 - 57

M +49 - 172 - 684 35 29