
kallan assists MilDef in the acquisition of roda computer GmbH

MilDef Group AB has on November 13, through its wholly owned subsidiary MilDef Germany Holding GmbH, entered into a binding agreement to acquire all shares in roda computer GmbH, a well-established provider of military IT solutions with a strong market presence in Central Europe, primarily in the DACH region.

For more details on the transaction, please see the following press release:

MilDef acquires roda computer GmbH


kallan acted as German legal advisor to MilDef in this acquisition.The kallan team included Oliver Cleblad, Maria Wolleh, Philipp Uhl, Jonas Anders and Patrick Dietrich.


Contact Persons

Oliver Cleblad
Lawyer (Rechtsanwalt), Partner

T +49 - 69 - 97 40 12 - 17

M +49 - 173 - 662 88 00

Dr Maria Wolleh
Lawyer (Rechtsanwältin), Partner

T +49 - 30 - 22 66 99 - 35

M +49 - 173 - 342 45 09

Philipp Uhl
Lawyer (Rechtsanwalt)

T +49 - 69 - 97 40 12 - 53

M +49 - 172 - 674 99 10

Jonas Anders, LL.M.
Lawyer (Rechtsanwalt)

T +49 - 69 - 97 40 12 - 57

M +49 - 172 - 684 35 29 

Patrick Dietrich
Lawyer (Rechtsanwalt)

T +49 - 69 - 97 40 12 - 61
M +49 - 173 - 673 30 30