Dr Christina Griebeler, M.I.C.L.
Lawyer (Rechtsanwältin),
Advokat (Sverige), Partner
Christina Griebeler advises Nordic and German corporations and international groups of companies from various industries as well as investors, financial services providers and banks. She has a dual admission to the bar as Rechtsanwältin in Germany and as advokat in Sweden, and she is particularly familiar with the Nordic legal and business culture.
Christina Griebeler is the partner responsible for our banking and finance services. She advises our clients on all matters of financial law, including regulatory issues and she has special expertise in cross-border mergers, particularly in the finance sector. Christina's experience and advice also includes insolvency law and general commercial matters, especially related to businesses entering the German market.
Besides her professional activities as a lawyer, Christina Griebeler was board member and chairwoman of the International Section of the Swedish Bar Association (Sveriges advokatsamfunds Utlandsavdelning) for more than ten years and since July 2020 she is a member of the board of the Swedish Bar Association (Sveriges advokatsamfund). She is also a board member of the German-Nordic Lawyers' Association.
M +49 - 172 - 677 53 72
Swedish, English, German
- kallan Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft (since 2016)
- Mannheimer Swartling Advokatbyrå AB (2006-2016)
- Legal clerkship at Hanseatisches Oberlandesgericht in Bremen, stages at, inter alia, Mannheimer Swartling Advokatbyrå in Frankfurt am Main and in Stockholm as well as German-Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Stockholm
- Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf (postgraduate law studies, Dr. iur.)
- Stockholm University and Swedish Bar Association (law studies and examinations for admission to the bar as advokat in Sweden)
- Uppsala University (postgraduate law studies, Master of International and Comparative Law)
- Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn, Universities Uppsala und Trier (law studies)
- WirtschaftsWoche/TOP law firm Banking and Finance (2024)
Dr Christina Griebeler is ranked as particularly recommended lawyer for Banking and Finance
- Advising Vasakronan in completing their first ever green digital Schuldschein loan based on blockchain technology
- Advising Hemsö in relation to its first Schuldschein loan, a new, bilateral EUR 75 million Namensschuldverschreibung (NSV, a German law registered bond) with a 20-year term.
- Advising a collection services provider in the acquisition of non-performing loans and in the entering into of a three-year forward-flow agreement with a bank
- Advising a group of companies in incorporating a European-wide Factoring-Program
- Advising Swedish banks in their market entry and continued cross-border consumer banking business in Germany
- Advising Swedish banks in cross-border merger aspects and the transfer of their German business into a newly established German branch
- Advising Bong AB (publ) in in the context of a transaction including the acquiring of receivables from its creditor banks and the issuing of senior covered bonds for a total SEK 200 million
- Advising Hemsö in the financing of nursing homes with external loan capital
- Advising Norrporten in the financing aspects of the disposal of three office buildings in HafenCity-Hamburg to Pembroke
- Advising Cityhold in the financing of its first acquisition of an office building in Germany
- Advising Ringfeder in the acquisition of Tschan GmbH (restructuring in self-administration under German insolvency law)
- Advising Duni in the acquisition of the Paper+Design group
- Advising Baden-Württemberg-Konsortium/GWG group on financing aspects in a formal bidding process regarding the acquisition of a portfolio consisting of about 21,500 flats from Landesbank Baden-Württemberg
- Länderreport Schweden, Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft 11/2023, S. 714 (together with Sascha Hurst)
- Länderreport Schweden, Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft 12/2021, S. 801 (together with Philipp Uhl)
- Länderreport Schweden, Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft 11/2020, S. 675 (together with Philipp Uhl)
- Länderreport Schweden, Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft 11/2019, S. 719 (together with Philipp Uhl)
- Länderreport Schweden, Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft 11/2018, S. 747 (together with Viktoria Gott)
- Länderreport Schweden, Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft 11/2017, S. 735
- Makroprudenzielle Regulierung am falschen Ende – Zum Regierungsentwurf des Finanzaufsichtsrechtergänzungsgesetzes (together with Dr. Anika Patz)
BKR 2017, S. 144-151 - INDat 2017, Handbuch der Restrukturierung, Sanierung und Insolvenz: EU-Länderbeitrag Schweden
- Länderreport Schweden, Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft 12/2016, S. 800
- Münchener Kommentar zur Insolvenzordnung Band 4: Länderbericht Schweden (together with Mattias Lampe and Oliver Cleblad), 3. Auflage 2016
- Münchener Kommentar zur Insolvenzordnung Band 4: Länderbericht Finnland (together with Tarja Wist and Christoffer Waselius), 3. Auflage 2016
- Länderreport Schweden, Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft 11/2015, S. 731
- Länderreport Schweden, Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft 11/2014, S. 739
- Die Reform des Außenwirtschaftsrechts – Neue Herausforderungen für Compliance & Co, Deutscher AnwaltSpiegel 5/2013
- Presentation "German Copyright law and trade" at a seminar organised by the Swedish Patent and Registration Office, PRV, and the Swedish Foreign Trade Association on 23 January 2020
- Workshop "Professional rules for lawyers' correspondence in an EU comparison / country report Sweden" at the International Day 2018 of the Frankfurt am Main Bar Association
- Presentation "Cross-border mergers" at the Autumn Conference 2018 of the German-Nordic Lawyers Association in Innsbruck (together with Oliver Cleblad)
- Interdisciplinary seminar "Financing with IP" in cooperation with Accuracy in Stockholm
- Interdisciplinary seminar "Do Business with Germany" (together with Thilo Schulz) in cooperation with the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce in Stockholm
- Seminar "Vertragsrecht zwischen Deutschland und Schweden – die Brücke in den Norden" in cooperation with Rechtsanwaltskammer Frankfurt am Main in Frankfurt am Main
- Chairwoman of the International Section of the Swedish Bar Association
- Member of the board of Deutsch-Nordische Juristenvereinigung
- Bar Association Frankfurt am Main (Rechtsanwaltskammer Frankfurt am Main)
- Swedish Bar Association (Sveriges Advokatsamfund)
- Bankrechtliche Vereinigung
- DKS - Deutsche Kreditmarkt-Standards
- Deutsch-Nordische Juristenvereinigung
- Schwedische Handelskammer in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Svenska Handelskammaren i Tyskland)
- Deutsch-Schwedische Handelskammer (Tysk-Svenska Handelskammaren)