kallan assists HMS Networks in two German M&A deals
kallan acted as legal advisor both in the acquisition of PEAK System-Technik GmbH and in the divestment of Red Lion Europe GmbH.
For more details please see:
Press Releases - HMS Networks acquires PEAK-System Technik
Press Releases - HMS Networks AB (publ) divests MB-Connect-Line
The kallan teams included: Oliver Cleblad, Maria Wolleh, Philipp Uhl, Jonas Anders, Patrick Dietrich, Aline Weber and Thereze Rasmussen Bonne respectively Philipp Uhl and Maria Wolleh.
Patrick Dietrich
Lawyer (Rechtsanwalt)
T +49 - 69 - 97 40 12 - 61
M +49 - 173 - 673 30 30
Rasmussen Bonne
Lawyer (Rechtsanwältin),
Of Counsel
T +49 - 30 - 22 66 99 - 0
M +49 - 172 - 612 42 37