Till Schönherr, LL.M.
Lawyer (Rechtsanwalt)
Till Schönherr advises our clients on all aspects of real estate and construction law. In addition to drafting, managing and negotiating complex domestic and cross-border real estate transactions, he advises and supports our clients in all ongoing issues related to real estate and when entering into or amending major commercial leases.
Another focus of his work is advising on all aspects of intellectual property, IT and internet law.
T +49 - 30 - 22 66 99 - 36
M +49 - 173 - 310 94 13
Till Schönherr, LL.M.
German, English, Chinese
- kallan Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft (since 2016)
- Schellenberg Unternehmeranwälte, research assistant (2010 – 2015)
- Legal clerkship (Referendariat) at Kammergericht
- Peking University, VR China (LL.M. in Chinese Law)
- Free University of Berlin (law studies)
Activities and memberships
- Deutsch-Chinesische Juristenvereinigung e.V. (DCJV)
- Berliner Anwaltsverein e.V.